Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I made my first book trailer!

Amazing what you can accomplish with 1 minute of footage shot with a digital camera's video mode (Kodak Z7590) and my Mac's default iMovie software and some sound f/x and visual filters. Unfortunately compressing for YouTube makes it more washed out than I'd like, but I'm still very pleased with the end result.

Enjoy the trailer for Carriage Returns here or at:


1 comment:

Cello said...

Hey, it looks like we are in the same boat. I just published my book through createspace and am currently hustlin' trying to promote it. It's always good to link up with like minded individuals. I am going to check out your book. Check out my blog, where I basically have the same set up as you. Best of luck to both of us!

Trailer for Carriage Returns

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